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integration n8n node

Integrate n8n with 500+ apps and services

Unlock n8n’s full potential with n8n, connecting it to similar Development apps and over 1000 other services. Automate productivity workflows by scheduling tasks, managing project timelines, and tracking progress across platforms. Create adaptable and scalable workflows between n8n and your stack. All within a building experience you will love.

Popular ways to use n8n integration

GitHub node
HTTP Request node
Merge node

Back Up Your n8n Workflows To Github

This workflow will backup your workflows to Github. It uses the public api to export all of the workflow data using the n8n node. It then loops over the data checks in Github to see if a file exists that uses the workflow name. Once checked it will then update the file on Github if it exists, Create a new file if it doesn't exist and if it's the same it will ignore the file. Config Options repo_owner - Github owner repo_name - Github repository name repo_path - Path within the Github repository >This workflow has been updated to use the n8n node and the code node so requires at least version 0.198.0 of n8n
Webhook node
Respond to Webhook node
n8n node
Code node
HTML node

Get workflows affected by 0.214.3 migration

If you previously upgraded to n8n version 0.214.3, some of your workflows might have been accidentally rewired in the wrong way. This issue affected nodes with more than one output, such as If, Switch, and Compare Datasets. This workflow helps you identify potentially affected workflows and nodes that you should check. ❗️Please ensure that you run this workflow as the instance owner.❗️
Oleg Ivaniv
n8n node
Code node

v1 helper - Find params with affected expressions

v1 Helper ℹ️ This workflow is to be run after upgrading to n8n v1. This workflow returns all locations where a node in an active workflow contains a parameter using an expression extension affected by v1 changes. For every location, please check that the workflow still behaves as intended.
n8n Team
Telegram Trigger node
n8n node

(De)activate n8n workflows using Telegram commands

Telegram N8N workflow (de)activator What does it do? This workflow helps you to quickly activate or deactivate a workflow through Telegram. Sometimes we are not able to access a PC to resolve an issue if something goes wrong with a workflow. If you, like me, use Telegram to send yourself error reports, you can quickly react in case of urgency. Just by sending '/stop' combined with the name you use for a workflow, you can deactivate a workflow, or reactivate it with '/start'. For example '/stop marketing'. Walkthrough: (6min) Instructions Create a Telegram API key through botfather ( Add it to the telegram credentials. For the N8N nodes, go to settings in your n8n instance. Then 'n8n API' and 'create an API key'. To ensure that only we can send commands to the bot, we need the chat ID of our DM with our newly created bot. Open the the Telegram trigger and click on 'listen to events'. Go to Telegram and send a direct message to the bot, this will trigger the Telegram node. Go to the filter node and fill in the chat id you want to filter for with the data you got from the test event in the Telegram node. In the first Switch node you can find the commands, in this case it is '/start' and '/stop'. When you send a message to your bot starting with either of those, it will go to the next switch nodes. Next it will check what other word it contains. As an example I have used the words 'marketing' and 'sales', both corresponding to a marketing and sales workflow. The last nodes will either activate or deactivate a workflow.
Dropbox node
Merge node

Nightly n8n backup to Dropbox

This template will create a nightly backup of all your n8n workflows to a Dropbox folder. Each night, the previous night's backups are moved into an "old" folder, and renamed with the date they were taken. Backups over a specified age are deleted. (this is disabled by default for safety until you manually enable and verify it with your own setup) Prerequisites Dropbox account and credentials A destination folder for backups Setup Update all dropbox nodes with your credential Edit the Schedule Trigger node with the desired time to run the backup Edit the DESTINATION FOLDER node to specify the path in dropbox to upload to. This should be a folder and include the trailing / If you want to automatically purge old backups Edit the PURGE DAYS node to specify the age to purge Enable the PURGE DAYS node, and the 3 subsequent nodes Enable the workflow to run on the specified schedule
Joey D’Anna
HTTP Request node
Notion node

Automatically document n8n workflows directly in Notion database

Use case n8n workflows can go out of hand when you're automating as much as we do at n8n. We needed a place to document them and keep track of who owns and maintains them. To facilitate this we use this n8n workflow to automatically sync workflows directly to a Notion database if it has the tag sync-to-notion. How to setup Add your n8n api creds Add your Notion creds Create notion database with fields env id as text, isActive (dev) as boolean, URL (dev) as url, Workflow created at as date, Workflow updated at as date, Error workflow setup as boolean (Make sure page is connected) Add tag sync-to-notion to some workflows

Supported Actions

Generate a security audit for this n8n instance
Get Schema
Get Many
Get Many
Use case

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Last week I automated much of the back office work for a small design studio in less than 8hrs and I am still mind-blown about it.

n8n is a game-changer and should be known by all SMBs and even enterprise companies.

We're using the @n8n_io cloud for our internal automation tasks since the beta started. It's awesome! Also, support is super fast and always helpful. 🤗

in other news I installed @n8n_io tonight and holy moly it’s good

it’s compatible with EVERYTHING

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