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integration n8n Trigger node

Integrate n8n Trigger with 500+ apps and services

Unlock n8n Trigger’s full potential with n8n, connecting it to similar Core Nodes apps and over 1000 other services. Create adaptable and scalable workflows between n8n Trigger and your stack. All within a building experience you will love.

Popular ways to use n8n Trigger integration

Mattermost node
n8n Trigger node

Send message on Mattermost when your n8n instance starts

This workflow allows you to receive a message on Mattermost when your n8n instance starts. n8n Trigger node: The n8n Trigger node will trigger the workflow whenever the instance starts. Mattermost node: This node will send a message on Mattermost, notifying you when n8n starts.
HTTP Request node
Merge node

n8n Subworkflow Dependency Graph & Auto-Tagging

How it Works As n8n instances scale, teams often lose track of sub-workflows—who uses them, where they are referenced, and whether they can be safely updated. This leads to inefficiencies like unnecessary copies of workflows or reluctance to modify existing ones. This workflow solves that problem by: Fetching all workflows and identifying which ones execute others. Verifying that referenced subworkflows exist. Building a caller-subworkflow dependency graph for visibility. Automatically tagging sub-workflows based on their parent workflows. Providing a chart visualization to highlight the most-used sub-workflows. Set Up Steps Estimated time: ~10–15 minutes Set up n8n API credentials to allow access to workflows and tags. Replace instance_url with your n8n instance URL. Run the workflow to analyze dependencies and generate the graph. Review and validate assigned tags for sub-workflows. (Optional) Enable pie chart visualization to see the most-used sub-workflows. This workflow is essential for enterprise teams managing large n8n instances, preventing workflow duplication, reducing uncertainty around dependencies, and allowing safe, informed updates to sub-workflows.
n8n Trigger node
Split Out node

Automate NPM Package Installation and Updates for Self-Hosted Environments

Are you looking to install external libraries for your self-hosted N8N instance? This automated workflow makes adding npm packages to your N8N environment quick and effortless. Beware, this workflow only works on self-hosted instances. What This Workflow Does This solution automatically installs npm packages like axios, cheerio, or node-fetch in your self-hosted N8N Docker container, making them immediately available in Code nodes. Key features ✅ Automated Installation: No manual npm commands needed ✅ Daily Updates: Scheduled trigger keeps packages current ✅ Smart Installation: Only installs missing packages ✅ Multiple Triggers: Manual, scheduled, and on startup of the N8N instance so you can upgrade your N8N version without worrying about external libraries. How to install and update external libraries automatically Step 1: Setting Up Your Environment Variables Before using external libraries in N8N Code nodes, configure these environment variables in your Docker comppose file. Option A to allow specific external npm packages in N8N Code nodes NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_EXTERNAL=axios,cheerio,node-fetch Option B to allow all external npm packages in Code nodes NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_EXTERNAL=* Step 2: Import the external packages workflow Import the workflow into your N8N instance by copy pasting all nodes. Step 3: Input the list of external libraries you need Edit the libraries_set node Change the comma-separated list (e.g., axios,cheerio,node-fetch). If you chose Option A above, update your NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_EXTERNAL variable with the same packages Step 4: Start the workflow! Run the workflow manually or let it trigger automatically Why use this to install NPM packages in N8N? Managing external packages manually in N8N can be time-consuming. This workflow automates the entire process, making sure your libraries are always installed and up-to-date.
Joachim Brindeau

Supported events

Active Workflow Updated
Triggers when this workflow is updated
Instance Started
Triggers when this n8n instance is started or re-started
Workflow Activated
Triggers when this workflow is activated

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