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integration SIGNL4 node

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Unlock SIGNL4’s full potential with n8n, connecting it to similar Communication apps and over 1000 other services. Automate communication workflows by sending, scheduling, and tracking messages across platforms. Create adaptable and scalable workflows between SIGNL4 and your stack. All within a building experience you will love.

Create workflows with SIGNL4 integrations

802 integrations
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Popular ways to use SIGNL4 integration

SIGNL4 node

Create an alert on SIGNL4

Companion workflow for SIGNL4 node docs. .
OpenWeatherMap node
SIGNL4 node

Send weather alerts to your mobile phone with OpenWeatherMap and SIGNL4

Get weather alerts on your mobile phone via push, SMS or voice call. This flow gets weather information every morning and sends out an alert to your SIGNL4 on-call team. For example you can send out weather alerts in case of freezing temperatures, snow, rain, hail storms, hot weather, etc. The flow also supports automatic alert resolution. So, for example if the temperature goes up again the alert is closed automatically in the app. User cases: Dispatch snow removal teams Inform car dealers to protect the cars outside in case of hail storms Set sails if there are high winds And much more ... Can be adapted easily to other weather warnings, like rain, hail storm, etc.

Monitor a file for changes and send an alert

This flow monitors a file for changes of its content. If changed, an alert is sent out and you receive it as push, SMS or voice call on SIGNL4. User cases: Log-file monitoring Monitoring of production data Integration with third-party systems via file interface Etc. Sample file "alert-data.json": { "Body": "Alert in building A2.", "Done": false, "eventId": "2518088743722201372_4ee5617b-2731-4d38-8e16-e4148b8fb8a0" } Body: The alert text to be sent. Done: If false this is a new alert. If true this indicated the alert has been closed. eventId: Last SIGNL4 event ID written by SIGNL4. This flow can be easily adapted for database monitoring as well.
Webhook node
SIGNL4 node

Database alerts with Notion and SIGNL4

Objective In industry and production sometimes machine data is available in databases. That might be sensor data like temperature or pressure or just binary information. In this sample flow reads machine data and sends an alert to your SIGNL4 team when the machine is down. When the machine is up again the alert in SIGNL4 will get closed automatically. Setup We simulate the machine data using a Notion table. When we un-check the Up box we simulate a machine-down event. In certain intervals n8n checks the database for down items. If such an item has been found an alert is send using SIGNL4 and the item in Notion is updates (in order not to read it again). Status updates from SIGNL4 (acknowledgement, close, annotation, escalation, etc.) are received via webhook and we update the Notion item accordingly. This is how the alert looks like in the SIGNL4 app. The flow can be easily adapted to other database monitoring scenarios.
Webhook node
SIGNL4 node
TheHive node

Send TheHive Alerts Using SIGNL4

This sample workflow allows you to forward alerts from TheHive 5 to SIGNL4 in order to send reliable alerts to your team. There are two nodes for testing the TheHive connection ("TheHive Read Alerts" and "TheHive Create Alert"). The node "TheHive Webhook Request" will receive requests for new alerts from TheHive. You need to configure the webhook and the notifications in TheHive accordingly. The node "SIGNL4 Send Alert" sends the alert to SIGNL4 and the node "SIGNL4 Resolve Alert" will close the alert in SIGNL4 in case it has been closed in TheHive.

Supported Actions

Send an alert
Resolve an alert
SIGNL4 node

About SIGNL4

SIGNL4 is a mobile app and cloud service for convenient on-call duty and shift scheduling to reliably deliver the right information to the right people at the right time. It is designed to effectively alert and notify incident response teams like firefighters, emergency teams and maintenance engineers.

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FAQ about SIGNL4 integrations

  • How can I set up SIGNL4 integration in n8n?

      To use SIGNL4 integration in n8n, start by adding the SIGNL4 node to your workflow. You'll need to authenticate your SIGNL4 account using supported authentication methods. Once connected, you can choose from the list of supported actions or make custom API calls via the HTTP Request node, for example: you can configure the SIGNL4 node by filling in the required parameters and mapping the necessary fields based on your use case. Be sure to test the workflow to ensure that notifications are sent correctly through SIGNL4. For more advanced configurations, you may refer to the official SIGNL4 API documentation.

  • Do I need any special permissions or API keys to integrate SIGNL4 with n8n?

  • Can I combine SIGNL4 with other apps in n8n workflows?

  • What are some common use cases for SIGNL4 integrations with n8n?

  • How does n8n’s pricing model benefit me when integrating SIGNL4?

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