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Integrate Sticky Note with 500+ apps and services

Unlock Sticky Note’s full potential with n8n, connecting it to similar Core Nodes apps and over 1000 other services. Create adaptable and scalable workflows between Sticky Note and your stack. All within a building experience you will love.

Popular ways to use Sticky Note integration

Merge node
Spotify node

Add liked songs to a Spotify monthly playlist

🎶 Add liked songs to a monthly playlist > This Workflow is a port of Add saved songs to a monthly playlist from IFTTT. When you like a song, the workflow will save this song in a monthly playlist. E.g.: It's June 2024, I liked a song. The workflow will save this song in a playlist called June '24. If this playlist does not exist, the workflow will create it for me. ⚙ How it works Each 5 minutes, the workflow will start automatically. He will do 3 things : Get the last 10 songs you saved in the "Liked song" playlist (by clicking on the heart in the app) and save them in a NocoDB table (of course, the workflow avoid to create duplicates). Check if the monthly playlist is already created. Otherwise, the playlist is created. The created playlist is also saved in NocoDB to avoid any problems. Check if the monthly playlist contains all the song liked this month by getting them from NocoDB. If they are not present, add them one by one in the playlist. You may have a question regarding the need of NocoDB. Over the last few weeks/months, I've had duplication problems in my playlists and some playlists have been created twice because Spotify wasn't returning all the information but only partial information. Having the database means I don't have to rely on Spotify's data but on my own, which is accurate and represents reality. 📝 Prerequisites You need to have : Spotify API keys, which you can obtain by creating a Spotify application here: Create a NocoDB API token 📚 Instructions Follow the instructions below Create your Spotify API credential Create your NocoDB credential Populate all Spotify nodes with your credentials Populate all Spotify nodes with your credentials Enjoy ! If you need help, feel free to ping me on the N8N Discord server or send me a DM at "LucasAlt" Show your support Share your workflow on X and mention @LucasCtrlAlt Consider buying me a coffee 😉
GitHub node
HTTP Request node
Merge node

Back Up Your n8n Workflows To Github

This workflow will backup your workflows to Github. It uses the public api to export all of the workflow data using the n8n node. It then loops over the data checks in Github to see if a file exists that uses the workflow name. Once checked it will then update the file on Github if it exists, Create a new file if it doesn't exist and if it's the same it will ignore the file. Config Options repo_owner - Github owner repo_name - Github repository name repo_path - Path within the Github repository >This workflow has been updated to use the n8n node and the code node so requires at least version 0.198.0 of n8n
HTTP Request node
Merge node

Multilanguage Telegram bot

An example workflow for a multilanguage Telegram bot. It allows adding many new languages to the bot without editing the workflow. Important note! Due to some breaking API changes in NocoDB some of its node options are not working at the moment (MAY 2022). These two nodes were replaced by HTTP request nodes. Functionality is still the same.
HTTP Request node

Split Out Binary Data

This workflows helps with processing binary data. You'll often have binary objects with keys such as attachment_0, attachment_1, attachment_2, etc. attached to your items, for example when reading an incoming email. This binary data is hard to process because it's not an array you can simply loop through. This workflow solves this problem by providing a Function node that takes all incoming items and all their binary data and then returning a single item for each file with a data key containing your binary file. Incoming binary data: Processed binary data:
Customer Datastore (n8n training) node

Very quick quickstart

Want to learn the basics of n8n? Our comprehensive quick quickstart tutorial is here to guide you through the basics of n8n, step by step. Designed with beginners in mind, this tutorial provides a hands-on approach to learning n8n's basic functionalities.
Gmail node

Import a JSON file from Gmail into a spreadsheet

This workflow imports a JSON file from an email attachment and saves the content into a spreadsheet.

Over 3000 companies switch to n8n every single week

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Last week I automated much of the back office work for a small design studio in less than 8hrs and I am still mind-blown about it.

n8n is a game-changer and should be known by all SMBs and even enterprise companies.

in other news I installed @n8n_io tonight and holy moly it’s good

it’s compatible with EVERYTHING

We're using the @n8n_io cloud for our internal automation tasks since the beta started. It's awesome! Also, support is super fast and always helpful. 🤗

Implement complex processes faster with n8n

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