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integration Stripe Trigger node

Integrate Stripe Trigger with 500+ apps and services

Unlock Stripe Trigger’s full potential with n8n, connecting it to similar Finance & Accounting apps and over 1000 other services. Automate finance and accounting workflows by syncing, reconciling, and reporting financial data across platforms. Create adaptable and scalable workflows between Stripe Trigger and your stack. All within a building experience you will love.

Popular ways to use Stripe Trigger integration

Stripe Trigger node

Receive updates for Stripe events

Companion workflow for Stripe Trigger node docs
Slack node
Stripe Trigger node
HubSpot node

Update HubSpot when a new invoice is registered in Stripe

This workflow automatically posts a message in Slack when a new invoice is uploaded in Stripe, and it updates the fields in the HubSpot CRM. Prerequisites A Slack account and credentials A HubSpot account and credentials A Stripe account and credentials Nodes Stripe Trigger node triggers the workflow when a new invoice is uploaded. IF nodes filter the invoices that don't have a PO number and if there is no deal for the PO. HubSpot nodes retrieve deals with the specific PO number and update the deal status to 'paid'. Slack nodes post messages about the deals in a Slack channel.
Google Sheets node
HTTP Request node

Streamline Your Zoom Meetings with Secure, Automated Stripe Payments

🎉 Do you want to master AI automation, so you can save time and build cool stuff? I’ve created a welcoming Skool community for non-technical yet resourceful learners. 👉🏻 Join the AI Atelier 👈🏻 Unlock streamlined Zoom Meeting organization and exclusive access management with this n8n workflow. Designed for educators, event organizers, and businesses, this tool automates your event logistics, so you can focus on delivering valuable content. Features Zoom Meetings Creation:** Instantly generate new Zoom meetings with the n8n built-in form. Collect Payments Using Stripe:** Effortlessly monetize your events with secure, automatically created Stripe payment pages for each meeting. Exclusive Gated Access:** Ensure your content remains exclusive by sending Zoom meeting passwords only to verified subscribers who have completed their payment through Stripe. Participants Email Notifications:** Automate the distribution of Zoom meeting details post-payment, eliminating the need for manual email management and ensuring participants are promptly informed. Instant and Easy Participants Overview:** Manage and track your event registrations with ease. All related data is stored in a Google Sheets document that you own. You're notified via email with each new subscription, simplifying participant management. Set Up Steps Connect your Zoom, Stripe, Gmail and Google Sheet credentials. Create an empty Google Sheet in your Google Drive. Fill the config node (Sheet URL, email and currency). Edit email text. This n8n workflow template is designed to minimize setup time and maximize efficiency, allowing you to focus on delivering value to your subscribers. With just a few clicks, you can automate the entire process of organizing and monetizing your Zoom meetings. Created by the n8ninja.
Emmanuel Bernard
HTTP Request node
Merge node
Stripe Trigger node
QuickBooks Online node
Stripe node

Create QuickBooks Online Customers With Sales Receipts For New Stripe Payments

Streamline your accounting by automatically creating QuickBooks Online customers and sales receipts whenever a successful Stripe payment is processed. Ideal for businesses looking to reduce manual data entry and improve accounting efficiency. How it works Trigger: The workflow is triggered when a new successful payment intent event is received from Stripe. Retrieve Customer Data: Fetches customer details from Stripe associated with the payment. Check QuickBooks Customer: Searches QuickBooks Online to see if the customer already exists using their email address. Create or Use Existing Customer: If the customer doesn't exist in QuickBooks, they are created; otherwise, the existing customer is used. Generate Sales Receipt: A sales receipt is created in QuickBooks Online with payment details, including item descriptions, amounts, and currency. Set up steps Connect Accounts: Authenticate both your QuickBooks Online and Stripe accounts in n8n. Webhook Setup: Configure the Stripe webhook to send payment_intent.succeeded events to this workflow. Test the Workflow: Trigger a test payment in Stripe to validate the integration. Customize Details: Adjust item descriptions or other fields in the QuickBooks sales receipt JSON body as needed. This workflow requires basic familiarity with n8n, but setup can be completed in under 15 minutes for most users.

Supported events

Any time any event is triggered (Wildcard Event)
Account Updated
Occurs whenever an account status or property has changed
Account Application.authorized
Occurs whenever a user authorizes an application. Sent to the related application only.
Account Application.deauthorized
Occurs whenever a user deauthorizes an application. Sent to the related application only.
Account External_account.created
Occurs whenever an external account is created.
Account External_account.deleted
Occurs whenever an external account is deleted.
Account External_account.updated
Occurs whenever an external account is updated.
Application Fee.created
Occurs whenever an application fee is created on a charge.
Application Fee.refunded
Occurs whenever an application fee is refunded, whether from refunding a charge or from refunding the application fee directly. This includes partial refunds.
Application Fee.refund.updated
Occurs whenever an application fee refund is updated.
Balance Available
Occurs whenever your Stripe balance has been updated (e.g., when a charge is available to be paid out). By default, Stripe automatically transfers funds in your balance to your bank account on a daily basis.
Capability Updated
Occurs whenever a capability has new requirements or a new status.
Charge Captured
Occurs whenever a previously uncaptured charge is captured.
Charge Expired
Occurs whenever an uncaptured charge expires.
Charge Failed
Occurs whenever a failed charge attempt occurs.
Charge Pending
Occurs whenever a pending charge is created.
Charge Refunded
Occurs whenever a charge is refunded, including partial refunds.
Charge Succeeded
Occurs whenever a new charge is created and is successful.
Charge Updated
Occurs whenever a charge description or metadata is updated.
Charge Dispute.closed
Occurs when a dispute is closed and the dispute status changes to lost, warning_closed, or won.
Charge Dispute.created
Occurs whenever a customer disputes a charge with their bank.
Charge Dispute.funds_reinstated
Occurs when funds are reinstated to your account after a dispute is closed. This includes partially refunded payments.
Charge Dispute.funds_withdrawn
Occurs when funds are removed from your account due to a dispute.
Charge Dispute.updated
Occurs when the dispute is updated (usually with evidence).
Charge Refund.updated
Occurs whenever a refund is updated, on selected payment methods.
Checkout Session.completed
Occurs when a Checkout Session has been successfully completed.
Coupon Created
Occurs whenever a coupon is created.
Coupon Deleted
Occurs whenever a coupon is deleted.
Coupon Updated
Occurs whenever a coupon is updated.
Credit Note.created
Occurs whenever a credit note is created.
Credit Note.updated
Occurs whenever a credit note is updated.
Credit Note.voided
Occurs whenever a credit note is voided.
Customer Created
Occurs whenever a new customer is created.
Customer Deleted
Occurs whenever a customer is deleted.
Customer Updated
Occurs whenever any property of a customer changes.
Customer Discount.created
Occurs whenever a coupon is attached to a customer.
Customer Discount.deleted
Occurs whenever a coupon is removed from a customer.
Customer Discount.updated
Occurs whenever a customer is switched from one coupon to another.
Customer Source.created
Occurs whenever a new source is created for a customer.
Customer Source.deleted
Occurs whenever a source is removed from a customer.
Customer Source.expiring
Occurs whenever a card or source will expire at the end of the month.
Customer Source.updated
Occurs whenever a source's details are changed.
Customer Subscription.created
Occurs whenever a customer is signed up for a new plan.
Customer Subscription.deleted
Occurs whenever a customer's subscription ends.
Customer Subscription.trial_will_end
Occurs three days before a subscription's trial period is scheduled to end, or when a trial is ended immediately (using trial_end=now).
Customer Subscription.updated
Occurs whenever a subscription changes (e.g., switching from one plan to another, or changing the status from trial to active).
Customer Tax_id.created
Occurs whenever a tax ID is created for a customer.
Customer Tax_id.deleted
Occurs whenever a tax ID is deleted from a customer.
Customer Tax_id.updated
Occurs whenever a customer's tax ID is updated.
File Created
Occurs whenever a new Stripe-generated file is available for your account.
Invoice Created
Occurs whenever a new invoice is created. To learn how webhooks can be used with this event, and how they can affect it, see Using Webhooks with Subscriptions.
Invoice Deleted
Occurs whenever a draft invoice is deleted.
Invoice Finalized
Occurs whenever a draft invoice is finalized and updated to be an open invoice.
Invoice Marked_uncollectible
Occurs whenever an invoice is marked uncollectible.
Invoice Payment_action_required
Occurs whenever an invoice payment attempt requires further user action to complete.
Invoice Payment_failed
Occurs whenever an invoice payment attempt fails, due either to a declined payment or to the lack of a stored payment method.
Invoice Payment_succeeded
Occurs whenever an invoice payment attempt succeeds.
Invoice Sent
Occurs whenever an invoice email is sent out.
Invoice Upcoming
Occurs X number of days before a subscription is scheduled to create an invoice that is automatically charged—where X is determined by your subscriptions settings. Note: The received Invoice object will not have an invoice ID.
Invoice Updated
Occurs whenever an invoice changes (e.g., the invoice amount).
Invoice Voided
Occurs whenever an invoice is voided.
Invoiceitem Created
Occurs whenever an invoice item is created.
Invoiceitem Deleted
Occurs whenever an invoice item is deleted.
Invoiceitem Updated
Occurs whenever an invoice item is updated.
Issuing Authorization.created
Occurs whenever an authorization is created.
Issuing Authorization.request
Represents a synchronous request for authorization, see Using your integration to handle authorization requests.
Issuing Authorization.updated
Occurs whenever an authorization is updated.
Issuing Card.created
Occurs whenever a card is created.
Issuing Card.updated
Occurs whenever a card is updated.
Issuing Cardholder.created
Occurs whenever a cardholder is created.
Issuing Cardholder.updated
Occurs whenever a cardholder is updated.
Issuing Dispute.created
Occurs whenever a dispute is created.
Issuing Dispute.updated
Occurs whenever a dispute is updated.
Issuing Settlement.created
Occurs whenever an issuing settlement is created.
Issuing Settlement.updated
Occurs whenever an issuing settlement is updated.
Issuing Transaction.created
Occurs whenever an issuing transaction is created.
Issuing Transaction.updated
Occurs whenever an issuing transaction is updated.
Order Created
Occurs whenever an order is created.
Order Payment_failed
Occurs whenever an order payment attempt fails.
Order Payment_succeeded
Occurs whenever an order payment attempt succeeds.
Order Updated
Occurs whenever an order is updated.
Order Return.created
Occurs whenever an order return is created.
Payment Intent.amount_capturable_updated
Occurs when a PaymentIntent has funds to be captured. Check the amount_capturable property on the PaymentIntent to determine the amount that can be captured. You may capture the PaymentIntent with an amount_to_capture value up to the specified amount. Learn more about capturing PaymentIntents.
Payment Intent.canceled
Occurs when a PaymentIntent is canceled.
Payment Intent.created
Occurs when a new PaymentIntent is created.
Payment Intent.payment_failed
Occurs when a PaymentIntent has failed the attempt to create a source or a payment.
Payment Intent.succeeded
Occurs when a PaymentIntent has been successfully fulfilled.
Payment Intent.requires_action
Occurs when a PaymentIntent requires an action.
Payment Method.attached
Occurs whenever a new payment method is attached to a customer.
Payment Method.card_automatically_updated
Occurs whenever a card payment method's details are automatically updated by the network.
Payment Method.detached
Occurs whenever a payment method is detached from a customer.
Payment Method.updated
Occurs whenever a payment method is updated via the PaymentMethod update API.
Payout Canceled
Occurs whenever a payout is canceled.
Payout Created
Occurs whenever a payout is created.
Payout Failed
Occurs whenever a payout attempt fails.
Payout Paid
Occurs whenever a payout is expected to be available in the destination account. If the payout fails, a payout.failed notification is also sent, at a later time.
Payout Updated
Occurs whenever a payout is updated.
Person Created
Occurs whenever a person associated with an account is created.
Person Deleted
Occurs whenever a person associated with an account is deleted.
Person Updated
Occurs whenever a person associated with an account is updated.
Plan Created
Occurs whenever a plan is created.
Plan Deleted
Occurs whenever a plan is deleted.
Plan Updated
Occurs whenever a plan is updated.
Product Created
Occurs whenever a product is created.
Product Deleted
Occurs whenever a product is deleted.
Product Updated
Occurs whenever a product is updated.
Radar Early_fraud_warning.created
Occurs whenever an early fraud warning is created.
Radar Early_fraud_warning.updated
Occurs whenever an early fraud warning is updated.
Recipient Created
Occurs whenever a recipient is created.
Recipient Deleted
Occurs whenever a recipient is deleted.
Recipient Updated
Occurs whenever a recipient is updated.
Reporting Report_run.failed
Occurs whenever a requested **ReportRun** failed to complete.
Reporting Report_run.succeeded
Occurs whenever a requested **ReportRun** completed succesfully.
Reporting Report_type.updated
Occurs whenever a **ReportType** is updated (typically to indicate that a new day's data has come available).
Review Closed
Occurs whenever a review is closed. The review's reason field indicates why: approved, disputed, refunded, or refunded_as_fraud.
Review Opened
Occurs whenever a review is opened.
Setup Intent.canceled
Occurs when a SetupIntent is canceled.
Setup Intent.created
Occurs when a new SetupIntent is created.
Setup Intent.setup_failed
Occurs when a SetupIntent has failed the attempt to setup a payment method.
Setup Intent.succeeded
Occurs when an SetupIntent has successfully setup a payment method.
Sigma Scheduled_query_run.created
Occurs whenever a Sigma scheduled query run finishes.
Sku Created
Occurs whenever a SKU is created.
Sku Deleted
Occurs whenever a SKU is deleted.
Sku Updated
Occurs whenever a SKU is updated.
Source Canceled
Occurs whenever a source is canceled.
Source Chargeable
Occurs whenever a source transitions to chargeable.
Source Failed
Occurs whenever a source fails.
Source Mandate_notification
Occurs whenever a source mandate notification method is set to manual.
Source Refund_attributes_required
Occurs whenever the refund attributes are required on a receiver source to process a refund or a mispayment.
Source Transaction.created
Occurs whenever a source transaction is created.
Source Transaction.updated
Occurs whenever a source transaction is updated.
Subscription Schedule.aborted
Occurs whenever a subscription schedule is canceled due to the underlying subscription being canceled because of delinquency.
Subscription Schedule.canceled
Occurs whenever a subscription schedule is canceled.
Subscription Schedule.completed
Occurs whenever a new subscription schedule is completed.
Subscription Schedule.created
Occurs whenever a new subscription schedule is created.
Subscription Schedule.expiring
Occurs 7 days before a subscription schedule will expire.
Subscription Schedule.released
Occurs whenever a new subscription schedule is released.
Subscription Schedule.updated
Occurs whenever a subscription schedule is updated.
Tax Rate.created
Occurs whenever a new tax rate is created.
Tax Rate.updated
Occurs whenever a tax rate is updated.
Topup Canceled
Occurs whenever a top-up is canceled.
Topup Created
Occurs whenever a top-up is created.
Topup Failed
Occurs whenever a top-up fails.
Topup Reversed
Occurs whenever a top-up is reversed.
Topup Succeeded
Occurs whenever a top-up succeeds.
Transfer Created
Occurs whenever a transfer is created.
Transfer Failed
Occurs whenever a transfer failed.
Transfer Paid
Occurs after a transfer is paid. For Instant Payouts, the event will be sent on the next business day, although the funds should be received well beforehand.
Transfer Reversed
Occurs whenever a transfer is reversed, including partial reversals.
Transfer Updated
Occurs whenever a transfer's description or metadata is updated.
Stripe Trigger node

About Stripe Trigger

Stripe is a developer-friendly online payment processing and commerce solution that works as a fully integrated suite of payments products. It is used by millions of businesses of all sizes, such as Amazon, Google, Shopify and Zoom.

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Use case

Supercharge your CRM

Need a more powerful integration with your CRM? n8n lets you go beyond standard integrations offered by popular CRMs!

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Connect Stripe Trigger with your company’s tech stack and create automation workflows

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