HTTP Request node

Transfer credentials to other n8n instances using a Multi-Form

Published 4 months ago

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Template description


This workflow allows you to transfer credentials from one n8n instance to another.


How it works

  • A multi-form setup guides you through the entire process
  • You get to choose one of your predefined (in the Settings node) remote instances first
  • Then all credentials of the current instance are being retrieved using the Execute Command node
  • On the next form page you can select one of the credentials by their name and initiate the transfer
  • Finally the credential is being created on the remote instance using the n8n API. A final form ending indicates if that action succeeded or not.


  • Select your credentials in the nodes which require those
  • Configure your remote instance(s) in the Settings node
    • Every instance is defined as object with the keys name, apiKey and baseUrl. Those instances are then wrapped inside an array. You can find an example described within a note on the workflow canvas.

How to use

  • Grab the (production) URL of the Form from the first node
  • Open the URL and follow the instructions given in the multi-form


  • Please note, that this workflow can only run on self-hosted n8n instances, since it requires the Execute Command Node.
  • Security: Beware, that all credentials are being decrypted and processed within the workflow. Also the API keys to other n8n instances are stored within the workflow.
  • This solution is primarily meant for transferring data between testing environments. For production use consider the n8n enterprise edition which provides a reliable way to manage credentials across different environments.

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