GitHub node

Backup workflows to git repository on Github

Published 4 months ago

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Template description

Source code, I maintain this worflow here.

Usage Guide

This workflow backs up all workflows as JSON files named in the [workflow_name].json format.


  1. Create GitHub Repository

    • Skip this step if using an existing repository.
  2. Add GitHub Credentials

    • In Credentials, add the GitHub credential for the repository owner.
  3. Download and Import Workflow

    • Import this workflow into n8n.
  4. Set Global Values

    • In the Globals node, set the following:
      • repo.owner: GitHub username of the repository owner.
      • Name of the repository for backups.
      • repo.path: Path to the folder within the repository where workflows will be saved.
  5. Configure GitHub Nodes

    • Edit each GitHub node in the workflow to use the added credentials.

Workflow Logic

Each workflow run handles files based on their status:

  1. New Workflow

    • If a workflow is new, create a new file in the repository.
  2. Unchanged Workflow

    • If the workflow is unchanged, skip to the next item.
  3. Changed Workflow

    • If a workflow has changes, update the corresponding file in the repository.

Current Limitations / Needs work

  1. Name Change of Workflows
    • If a workflow is renamed or deleted in n8n, the old file remains in the repository.
  2. Deleted Workflows
    • Deleted workflows in n8n are not removed from the repository.

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