This n8n template uses a Telegram chatbot to conduct a Product Satisfaction Survey and fetches questions and stores answers in a Google sheet. It augments an AI Agent to ask follow-up questions to engage the user and uncover more insights in their responses.
This template is intended to demonstrate how you'd realistically approach a workflow where there is structured conversation (static questions) but you still want to include an free-form element (follow-up questions) which can only be accomplished via AI.
Check out an example Survey results:
How it works
- A chat session is started with the user who needs to enter the bot command "/next" to start the survey.
- Once started, the template pulls in questions from a google sheet to ask the user. Questions are asked in sequence from left column to right column.
- When the user answers the question, a text classifier node is used to determine
if a follow-up question could be asked.
- If so, a mini conversation is initiated by the AI agent to get more details.
- If not, the survey proceeds to the next question.
- All answers and mini-conversations are recorded in the Google Sheet under the respective question.
- When all questions are answered, the template will stop the survey and give the user a chance to restart.
How to use
- You'll need to setup a Telegram bot (see docs)
- Create a google sheet with an ID column. Populate the rest of the columns with your survey questions (see sample)
- Ensure you have a Redis instance to capture state. Either self-host or sign-up to Upstash for a free account.
- Update the "Set Variable" node with your google sheet ID and survey title.
- Share your bot to allow others to participate in your survey.
- Telegram for Chatbot
- Google Sheets for Survey questions and answers
- Redis for State Management and Chat Memory
- Community+ license and above for Execution data node - you can remove this node if you don't have this licence.
Customising this workflow
- Not using Telegram? This template technically works with other chat apps such as Whatsapp, wechat and even n8n's hosted chat!
- This state management pattern can also be applied to other use-cases and scenarios. Try it for other types of surveys!